212 Scientific Programming with Python
Python is an easy to learn, powerful programming language. It has efficient high-level data structures that make it suit..
221 Data Science and Scientific Computing using Julia
This course is an introduction to the Julia programming language. Julia is the fastest modern open-source language for d..
302 Parallel Computing with MPI
The Message Passing Interface (MPI) Standard is a standardized library for exchanging messages between multiple computer..
313 - Introduction to Natural Language Processing and Large Language Models
In today's data-driven world, the ability to work with and understand human language is a critical skill. This course in..
400 Introduction to Bioinformatics
400 Introduction to Bioinformatics This special topic course will introduce students to the field of bioinformatics..
411 - Selected Topics in AI
This course introduces additional topics in AI, including ethics and aesthetics and discussions about how AI might chang..
Introduction to Deep Learning
Deep learning is the science of developing statistical methods that quantify relationships within data. This branch of m..
261 Principles of Data Management
Today, multiple resources such as Social Media/Healthcare applications/Banking Applications so on generate a large volum..
101 Introduction to Cluster Computing: Linux, shell scripting, queuing systems, cluster architecture
This tutorial introduces participants to the computing environment found in UH high-performance computing clusters such ..
271 Excel for Data Science
This hands-on course introduces the key concepts for business data analytics with MS Excel and serves as an analytics li..
311 Introduction to Machine Learning
Machine learning is the science of developing statistical methods that quantify relationships within data. This branch o..
303 GPU Programming
This course covers MATLAB/CUDA/OpenACC on GPUs, It is divided into 2 main parts:Part 1: Use of CUDA which makes it easie..
211 R for Data Science
This course will teach you a basic understanding of how to program in R. You will learn how to use the R Studio software..
301 Parallel computing with OpenMP
In today’s multicore world, one-socket single-core systems are almost extinct. Reasonable performance gains could be ext..
251 Data Visualization using Paraview and Tableau
This tutorial will provide hands-on skills to use modern data visualization and analysis platforms, specifically the ope..
201 Scientific Computing in C++
C++ is one of the most widely used programming languages, particularly in the STEM fields. Various C++ compilers are ava..