3D Printing & Scanning

3D Print Price Quote

3D Print Price Quote

Request a 3D model price quote by submitting a compressed (.zip) file of your (STL format) model file. Alternativel..


3D Printing with the Ultimaker

3D Printing with the Ultimaker

An economical choice for printing models up to 12.2 x 8.8 x11.8 inches (310 x 220 x 300mm) in a variety of materials.You..


3D Scanning with the HP Scanner

3D Scanning with the HP Scanner

The HP (was David 3D) Structured Light Scanner is ideal for scanning objects of any size from a coin to a chair.Scanning..


3D Printing Short Course

3D Printing Short Course

A one hour introductory short course designed to provide 3D printing basics and enable participants to start experimenti..


3D Printing "My First Print"

3D Printing "My First Print"

Submit your 3D model file from the short course here. Remember to compress the file as a "zip" file first...


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